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Here are some memes and other bits I've wanted to send to you. I've been collecting them since we parted ways. They are things that I enjoyed that I think will make you laugh or go 'oooo!' - Little acorns buried in the ground for later, a rainy day, or a hungry afternoon.

I hope they bring you a smile, whenever you need one.

Love, G x

  1. NTS show with lots of nice indie tunes that I think you'll like. It's great :)
  2. The CEO
  3. Giant Sturgeon fish in Canada
  4. Nicknames. Probably been posted before but talking to a friend last night he mentioned his friend called Lemsip. I asked why he's called that? It's because he missed 2 days of school with a cold 25 years ago.. Any other crackers you know of?
  5. Feeding apparatus for lizards, never ending ants
  6. But why do they have the cart corrals then?
  7. Oh no
  8. Big brainer
  9. blessed_flag
  10. Ah sweet man-made horrors beyond my comprehension
  11. Leviathan Lobster God
  12. woof_irl
  13. Aragorn walking into Helm's Deep after falling off a cliff and being missing for several days
  14. every interview with a british national treasure
  15. Pope's Norwegian, so guess who's cruising down the Nile on a Crusade on a viking ship?
  16. Isuldur when Elrond says cast it into the fire
  17. UK soaps be like
  18. When you're thousands of years old, you've got to find ways to entertain yourself
  19. aaaaaaah uuuuuuuugh
  20. I design fake products and today I'm created the Burrito Bumper!
  21. me_irl
  22. blessed boops
  23. Alright then, keep your seaclits
  24. Hist gast has been flabbered.
  25. If Lord of the Rings was made today
  26. Tiny plastic babies
  27. When the teacher stands next to you in a test
  28. Biblically Accurate pick up line
  29. Tattoo artist I think you'll love :)
  30. "No! Just don't touch him, okay?!"
  31. I think I'm quite ready for another aventure...
  32. Horseshoe crab tries to help overturned crab
  33. Pingu didn’t wash his fins🤢
  34. Aragorn in Elden Ring
  35. animils
  36. [BOTW] Hehhe dumb gaurd.
  37. A 2000 year-old Thracian chariot with horse skeletons Found in Karanovo, Bulgaria. Archeological Complex Village of Karanovo
  38. happy puffies
  39. The emotional cycle...
  40. It feels good to be looked up to
  41. Hope this doesn't cause friction between Sam and Gollum
  42. Why does Fearo sound like that?
  43. My nephew snuck safety goggles to his school photo.
  44. A statue in Istanbul to honor Tombili, a famous stray cat. He used to sit in this position and watch passers-by.
  45. Be honest, you did something like this at least once.
  46. But they were all of them deceived
  47. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath! Now for ruin, and the chocolate donuts!
  48. This is what happens when you don't recyle plastic straws
  49. Cat watches intently as damaged toy undergoes surgical repair
  50. Solving the travelling salesman problem using self-organising maps
  51. This zookeeper made the mistake of making eye contact with a lion, which attacks him. He is saved by the lioness.
  52. Damian messed with the wrong kid
  53. Mom was Trying to get the perfect picture of Lunar Eclipse… Nailed It!
  54. Other parts of Sauron
  55. Alright then, keep your Victoria's Secrets
  56. How to Ride a Horse: Lord of The Rings Edition
  57. falls fixed
  58. Here's a sick African song that i tink you'll like :)
  59. Maybe maybe maybe
  60. I didn’t know I could do that.
  61. My Graduation Cap! :)
  62. Hunters ranked by how bad they probably smell
  63. Ani-Ane Bus [Love Lab]
  64. Oh my boy Pippin.
  65. This Grandma is so much cooler than any Super Model
  66. When your mum beats your ass but she buys you a happy meal afterwards
  67. Now that's a vibe
  68. You act like you’ve never seen anyone tow a boat before
  69. I don't know if you've seen this designer, but i think you'll really like. Such nice stuff. Would look great on you!
  70. Be like Aragorn.
  71. beelzebufo of the river template
  72. Men over 30 in skinny jeans
  73. pls no more
  74. Not the intended effect.
  75. pembis
  76. middelerf
  77. fool of a took!
  78. first meme in this sub
  79. The word daddy has been so sexualized that my kids are gonna have to call me bruh.
  80. ok i tried
  81. google ai becoming sentient?
  82. what if we kissed in the Resident Evil 4 arms merchant hideout 1 hour ambient mix
  83. My butthole would clench to the point of fusion
  84. maybe maybe maybe
  85. Dude, get over it, it's been like 20 year, nobody will recognise you.
  86. Poor mouse stuck in a piece of Pasta